GODFIDENCE: Finding Assurance in your Purpose

After an emotionally draining year, it was extremely difficult for me to stay motivated in different aspects of my life. I didn’t know how or where I would gain the strength to find peace within my circumstances. With only one more month left in 2017, I remind myself to be confident in the plans God has for me. This led me to consider the significance of the term “Godfidence”.  Although there are various meanings, I personally define Godfidence as being certain in the promises the Lord has for you. Here’s my view on the term and why it’s so important to have it.

Achieving Godfidence:

I used to be comfortable with telling people that I didn’t know my gifts or that I didn’t have any special talents. However, I was only hurting myself because I was failing to realize my own value. I soon learned that we are all created with purpose, and we have specific visions for our lives for a reason. One of my most life changing prayers was when I asked God to “use me”. I didn’t know what He was going to use me for, but I just had a small amount of faith that He would reveal my gifts to me. Doing this allowed me to see what my passions were and encouraged me to use my talents to serve God better. God knows your heart and your needs, so be honest in your prayers and ask God for things that will prepare you for your next level of favor.

Maintaining Godfidence:

I’m not being honest if I said that I am fully confident in knowing my purpose in life. I’m not always positive, I have doubts, and sometimes my circumstances can leave me feeling overwhelmed. During these tough times, I tend to feel discouraged and afraid that I won’t be successful in the future. However, if we claim to have faith, then we won’t have to worry about what our future holds. “We don’t look for things that can be seen but for things that can’t be seen.” (2 Corinthians 4:18).  The only thing that comforts me when I am feeling discouraged is the fact that God will not lie. Therefore, I am certain that whatever God has planned for me is already mine. It’s important to remind yourself that God’s word is unchanging. Psalms 27:13 says, “I will see the goodness of the LORD in this world of the living.” So, you will see God’s goodness, and you will perform the good works He has planned for you.

Ultimately, whatever your talent or gift, don’t be afraid to share it with the world. “God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgement.” (2 Timothy 1:7). Having Godfidence means you trust that God will guide your steps while you walk in your purpose, and you will fulfill the calling He has over your life.

Joshua 1:9 “I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go’.”

                                                            -With Love,


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